Analysis of Horace Mann Educators Corp.

With the kids back to school and my younger kids not wanting to stay in their beds at night it has been difficult to write. Getting up earlier means getting to bed earlier (if I want to stay healthy.) With the current situation I am down to about 1/2 hour of free time just to catch up with my wife and relax a little. Hopefully everyone will get back into a rhythm and I will have more time to dedicate to one of my favorite activities, investing. For my July ranking there was a large number of insurance companies in the top 25. Horace Mann Educators Corp. was one I had not heard of and ranked pretty high on the DFG scale. Let's take a closer look as to why. The website has it has the Forbes 2014 America's MOST TRUSTWORTHY Companies 2 years in a row. It was founded by teachers for teachers. The name comes from the father of American public education system, Horace Mann. It provides different type of insurance to educators and ed...