About Me

I am the Dividend Family Guy and welcome to my blog.

Where did that name come from?   Let’s break it down.  The first, Dividend, is my style of investing and why most of this writing is occurring in the first place.  The next part of my name comes from the love for my family.  I am a father of 5 kids and have been married to a wonderful wife for twelve years.  My family is one of my top priorities and providing for them is what I do.  Now I need to start saving and investing for them as well.  The last bit is also who I am.  I am a normal guy living a normal life (if you can call life that).

I welcome all readers with different saving and investing strategies.  I learn something from every comment left and look forward to always growing and learning.

My first post on the Dividend Family Guy blog has some additional information.  


  1. Congrats on starting your blog and starting on your journey. I'm sure that's got to be tough with one income and a 6 person household. Just keep at it!

  2. Thank you for the positive words. One reason I started this blog was to connect with people with similar goals. It makes achieving them easier when you have someone to share with and learn from.

  3. I am very happy that you put in the time to start this portfolio. I hope you will do great in the future.

  4. Hi DividendFamilyGuy, we’ve really enjoyed reading your posts on dividend income.
    We started a site as well on dividend investing and wanted to let you know about it, hopefully we can earn a spot on your blogroll if you think it would be useful to your readers.
    Thanks, Kemp (http://smartdividendstocks.com/)

  5. Hey DFG, we both have something fairly significant in common - I am also responsible for feeding 7 mouths, including my own, on a regular basis. My wife and I are also in the thick of it with raising 5 kids whose appetites only continue to grow :)

    1. Hey PIV, Glad to know I am not alone. I knew there were a few others out there who love dividends AND big families ;-)


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