I Don't Like Smoking but I Like Money

I grew up in a family were both parents smoked. My grandparents smoked and so did my aunts and uncles. I remember at holiday gatherings the smoke being so thick you could not see from one end of the living room to the other. Slight exaggeration but it was pretty foggy. I did not enjoy any part of it and have never tried a cigarette in my life. It is very addictive though so I don't see tobacco products going away any time soon. It is a personal preference and I am fine with that so long as it doesn't affect my family. There is money in tobacco though so I thought I would take a look in my rankings to see if any stood out. There is only one that made the top 100, Universal Corp. The others all have high yields but looking at their other numbers who knows if they can pay that yield long term. Of the six we are looking at today only UVV and MO are dividend champions. That is a good indicator that dividend ...