DFG Stock Screen v.2

Dividends grow like leaves on a tree. Why Change The last and only Dividend Family Guy stock screen was posted when I had started writing this blog. A lot of it still holds true but like everything else it should be reviewed (annually for me) and adjusted. Always learning and growing is a good way to become financially independent. I have learned quite a bit in a year and some of that will be applied to version 2 of my stock screen. First Change My struggle continues on whether or not to include all companies listed in Dave Fish's U.S Dividend Champion's spreadsheet ( All CCC worksheet). Most of the companies with the most potential for growth tend to be Challengers (5-9 years of dividend growth). These are also the most likely to cut dividends as it has not baked into the culture long enough. I am not saying this doesn't happen to the kings (Diebold for example) but it is much rarer. Building a solid core first, then once it ...