June 2015 Dividends
Another good month of collecting dividends and reinvesting them in my IRA. For my taxable account I continue to amass cash so I can make a purchase. My market is looking better so I hope to have some cash to deploy soon. The biggest surprise I missed was ol' blue with a large increase of 15.4 percent. I did the math a few times to be sure of it (but I could still be wrong). If that is their pace for the future and they meet or beat earnings going forward I might have to add to my position. Company Account Dividend Div Received Shares of Life Purchased June CVX IRA 1.07 9.73 0.0969 No change in dividend TGT IRA 0.52 9.11 0.1155 No change in dividend MSFT IRA 0.31 7.64 0.1639 No change in dividend ED IRA 0.65 ...