How to invest 250k

I had read an article that stated it would roughly cost me 250 thousand dollars to raise a kids these days. I found this chart on Wikipedia that gives a breakdown on costs by income bracket and expense type. Very interesting stuff. With that said I am pleased to announce my daughter was born a week early. My wife and the baby are doing fine and we are all adjusting to lack of sleep (hopefully for the last time.) People are asked us if we were crazy to have another child. At times I wondered that myself. How could I afford to raise another child in consumerist America. The key is to reuse as much as you can live like are parents were raised. When I was a kid we never ate out. My mom or dad cooked all of the meals. We still eat out maybe once or twice a month so if things got tight that could easily be eliminated. I am finding my cooking skills are better than all fast food places and even most chain restaurants....