May 2016 FrugalMaster Results

May was mostly quiet here in the DFG household. My daughter was baptized and we celebrated that. My older daughter had a birthday slumber party. That is always interesting to see how teenage girls act these days. They were all good kids and even went to bed at a reasonable hour. Even on the finance side it was mostly quiet. I will write about some of changes in another article that in the long run will benefit my family and I. Now let's get on with the show and see if I came out ahead this month. Income I posted my dividend income already. It was lower compared to last year due to some changes and dividend cuts. Nevertheless it was still income I did not have to work for. On my paycheck side it was steady Eddy. The only difference was I started my investment in my company's employee stock purchase program. It is a great deal as long as you hold the stocks long enough to avoid short term capital gains tax...