August 2016 Dividend Watchlist

I am back from the family vacation to North Myrtle Beach. It was a great time and the weather was perfect the whole week. Back home I heard it stormed almost every day. My brown grass had turned green and it was about a foot high. Some of it had even gone to seed. Life goes on even when you're not there. The same applies towards dividends. The companies keep earning money and passing it on to you. Not having much time this month I haven't really looked at any stocks lately. I did setup my screen in the beginning of the month but never got to posting what I found. Now it has some data behind it and I would like to share it with you all. There are many repeats and so far this month the set of them were trailing the S&P 500. But in the past few days they have jumped and they have a nice gain for the month of 2.1%. Most of the gains are attributed to Best Buy's beating expectations. ...