April 2017 FrugalMaster Results

April had some unexpected travel expenses from the death of my brother . A few nights in a hotel and eating out triggered a few hundred dollars in travel and food expenses. I think this is why having some type of cash buffer or emergency fund is very important for those just starting out on their Frugalmaster exercises. When you live well below your means you tend to not worry about money as much and always have some extra cash just in case. That buffer also helped me finish paying off my daughters school trip to Washington DC. The trip was $500 total and she has been helping around the house with extra chores and kid watching to help pay it back. They also stopped at Gettysburg and Flight 93 (911 crash site) Memorial. April Expenses I am not quite to the 50% mark yet but my expenses for the month where 62% of my normal income. I say normal because this month the government paid me back the taxes they had over collected. This ...