January 2018 Stock Buys/Sells

Marching at the capital. How proud I am of my daughter! I would like to say I am a buy and hold kind of guy but I am not. Sometimes I sell if my portfolio is out of balance. Sometimes I sell if the capital appreciation for a stock is worth 10 years of dividends at the current rate. I look to reinvest my capital in something that will grow and pay more dividends in the future. That pattern is performed in my tax sheltered accounts as I only plan to live off of dividends in my later years. As for my brokerage I try to hang on to stocks longer to minimize my taxes. Besides my normal contributions to my 401k, below are the stocks I bought or sold. Also included is how it affected my forward dividends. Stock Transaction Type Forward Dividends (yearly) Notes AmTrust Financial Services Sell -$534.48 6 quarters with no dividend increase Delta Ai...