Something to Talk About

What will I be talking about in my blog?

Some of the stuff you may have seen on other sites. Things like what my finances look like and how much am I saving. My twist to that is a system I learned from a book I read many many years ago. I wish I would have written down the name and author so I could give him or her some credit. The only thing I remember is what I wrote down in a spreadsheet. This acts as a guideline for my spending and I will match up my world to it. I am still on the fence about disclosing my salary to the world. I will probably disclose my spending just to show people how much it costs me to raise a large family these days. My wife and I try to live frugally but sometimes our judgment isn't the best. Hopefully by sharing all of this with you will help me to be a wiser spending and saver.

I will also by posting my dividends each month and how they chart over the past few years. They are not much to speak of (yet) but I like to show others how the power of reinvesting dividends and adding to my portfolio work over time. If only I had truly believed in the power of compounding when I was younger. Speaking of younger I may even talk about how I am teaching my kids about investing. All that money they get from birthdays and other events I used to let them spend. Now part of it goes into the dividend machine.

Last and probably the most fun part is saving up some money (enough to make the fee worthwhile) and buying quality dividend stock each month that meets my criteria. What is my criteria? Well I will share that with you and the system I have come up with when I get to that first article. I have read quite a few books and come up with a screen that I hope will work for me. That screen gives me quite a few stocks to look at and research. To reach my goal of financial independence by age 55 I will have to be an aggressive saver and a wise stock picker. At this point I don't even know if I can achieve that yet. We will see!

I haven't come up with a fancy sign off so happy reading for now!

The Dividend Family Guy



  1. It would be great to be able to retire at 55. The dividends that your lovely family will provide are worth more than any other. I know from experience. I hope your journey is a successful one.

  2. Hi DFG,

    Welcome to the dividend blogging community. Look forward to tracking your progress as you invest in dividend growth stocks and follow your increasing dividend income. Any questions, feel free to ask. I have found that everyone in the blogging community is helpful and pretty open. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  3. Thanks DivHut. I will definitely be leaning on the community as serious investing is pretty new to me. Dividends just make sense to me. Invest in a company and earn part of the profits. Makes the risk a little easier to take.



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