November 2016 FrugalMaster Results

November and now December have flown by.  Besides the drive my new job is great (and challenging).  This time of the year is always challenging for the budget with all of the holidays and family  gatherings.  My food costs always jump as turkeys and hams are eaten and cookies are baked (and also eaten).

My Christmas budget was set earlier this year and saved for.  Come end of December we will see if I stayed on track this year  or if I went way overboard with my gift giving.

What I earn and spend always seems to fluctuate so staying under budget all the time is a near impossible feat for me.  It does give me guidance though so I will continue to use it.  What has worked best is just don't buy anything unless you really need it.  No impulse buying will also help to keep you on track for the overall year.
Even though we were over budget the savings rate still remained positive at 29%

Food and car insurance where the 2 that led me to be in the red for the month when I look at my budget.  None the less with the new job and the income it brings I still managed to save a large portion of it.

Regarding my guilt free spending money I stayed right on track for the month.  This category is what I most need to focus on as it could be zero and my family would have all of its needs met (and still be happy).  What is left over could go into savings and help us reach financial independence faster.

Well the kids are up and it is time to go cook some breakfast for the family.  I hope your holiday season is a great one. 

Save for tomorrow. Live for today!

Dividend Family Guy


  1. Hi DFG,
    Congrats on saving 29%! It's good to see the yellow 2016 line well below 100% of Needs compared to the last two years.
    Best wishes for 2017,

    1. Thanks DL. Yeah it is a good feeling saving instead of spending. Next year I will strive for more.


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