Job-loss and soon to be Job-less

Needs work but only $45k Back in September it was made known to our office that the mother company would be shutting us down. No good reason was given other than they did not wish to renew the lease on our building?? That made no sense and no one questioned it at the time. I have been through this before but had never seen the ax fall on my head in my 19 year career. So in 2018 on April Fool's Day I will become job-less. Following the stages of grief I was at first shocked, then angry, then freaked out and am now at a place of calm acceptance. I haven't really bothered to look for another job yet as I wanted to enjoy my holidays stress free. Stress free because they are giving me a very small severance but more importantly because I have savings and the ability to vastly reduce my expenses. I have already halved my internet/TV, cell phone and car insurance bills. In a tighter squeeze all unnecessary spending would be cut....